Undeniable Truths


There aren’t many undeniable truths in this world but there are a few.  As Christians we argue about almost everything.  If we use a new phrase, different wording, or teach a concept that hasn’t been taught the same way for 200 years we upset the keepers of the unwritten creed.  Today I wish to list some things that are undeniably true.  Maybe this list can begin a foundation for unity in a brotherhood divided.

  • ALL SCRIPTURE IS INSPIRED BY GOD     God says all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness that the man of God might be perfect, throughly furnished for all good works.  This means that Scripture is given from God to man in order that man might  be reconciled in relationship to God.   The Scripture spoken of in the book of 2 Timothy would primarily be Old Testament Scripture but this would apply to NT Scripture as well.  This is a foundation of truth for man.
  • JESUS IS THE ONLY PATH TO SALVATION   Act 4:10-12 tells us that there is no other name under heaven given to men whereby we can be saved.  Salvation is only through faith in Jesus the Christ.  It can’t be found in Budda, Mohammed, or even the intellectual perfection and adherance of God’s rules by man.  Jesus is the only name and path that allows man to be reconciled to God.
  • IT IS APPOINTED UNTO MEN ONCE TO DIE THEN THE JUDGEMENT  Hebrews 9:27 points to the fact that after death all men shall face God in judgement.  At that appointed day every knee shall bow and every tongue confess at the majesty of the name of our Lord.  We may choose to refuse to acknowledge God this side of the judgement but on that day all will acknowledge the majesty and power in the name of the Lord.
  • SALVATION IS BY GRACE THROUGH FAITH IN GOD  Ephesians 2:8-10 tells us that salvation is brought to us by grace through faith.  Men sometimes say, “God has His part and man has a part”.  This is error, salvation is in the hands of God totally.  He has done it all.  There is nothing man can do that would make God owe us salvation.   It is now in the hands of man to accept by obedient faith what God has done for us.
  • THE NEW COVENANT IS NOT AN IMPROVED VERSION OF MOSES LAW   Moses law was written on tables of stone, the new covenant is a covenant written on the heart.  Moses law was a law of rules much like a constitution given so the Israelites could govern their lives.  The New Covenant is given to allow man to be reconciled to God.  It not only tells us how to enter relationship with Him it tells us how to maintain and build that relationship.  Isaiah 59:1-2 tells us that our sins and iniquities have separated us from our God.  God didn’t move, sin separated us from our Father.  The blood shed by the Christ allowed that separation to be bridged.  The New Covenant is a story about that bridge and subsequent renewal of fellowship between God and man.
  • THERE ARE NO DEAD ATHIESTS   We may die believing there is no God.  As soon as an athiest steps foot in eternity he will know that there is indeed a God.  Not only will he know that God is, but he will acknowledge Him as such.  At that late date the time of preparation will be gone.  As is our condition when we die so shall it be through eternity.  Accept through obedient faith that Jesus is the only begotten son of the living God.

There may be truths we deny.  There may be misunderstandings concerning God, but the above mentioned truths will stand for eternity.  May God have mercy on my soul a sinner.          dell kimberly

4 Responses to Undeniable Truths

  1. Don Morrison says:

    Two more undeniable truths might be that God exists and has revealed himself in obvious ways for our benefit. Second, that through mismanagement and outright meanness, humankind has proven itself to be unworthy of pure self-determination. Sure we have our good points, but overall we are just not gods.

    On my blog I posted a Statement of Beliefs that I wrote some time ago, because this made me think of it. Check it out.

  2. We should view truths like these to be our spiritual DNA … things that never change.

    However, there are other things that we have viewed this way, which really ought to be regarded as spiritual apparel … things that should be changed from time to time lest – like socks and undies – they become old and stinky and unattractive.

  3. Keith and Don,
    You are both absolutely correct. Thanks for your thoughts.

  4. Guy says:

    I had to come back and re-read this to see what it was you left out during your sermon. (smile)

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